Category Archives: Batshit Crazy

tumblr, is it just for plagiarism.?

My friend/web goddess for the site, is also the author of Three Different Ways (link is over in the blogroll)

So, a few days ago, there was a discussion, and blow up and possibly a fight, over rules, after which, a blog was written,

The Ten Rules of Witchdom the rest

No, it just means you’re a sadistic bastard

Not Gay, Just SadisticRead the rest

Fluff-tastic Applications from the Chrome store

I guess I’m becoming a little bit of a Geek. I love to wander through the aps and extensions over in the Chrome Web Store.  I’m actually looking for something that will help auto-post these blog entries to Diaspora and Google+, still haven’t found one yet.

As I’m almost ready … Read the rest

For Giggles and Shits, Part II

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Oh, He Went There…


The topic so far was The Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon… So, he thinks that Wikipedia would be a good idea.

But, here’s why.


lmao, and of course….


Read the rest

A Warning

All Ya’ll Bitches better stay away from My New Man, Pepsi Potter… Read the rest

Stick in the ass? PSA

Far too many people in the world suffer from stick in ass disease.

Warning signs include but are not limited to: General Grumpy dispositions, failure to see the humor in situations and postings, and a tendency to get offended when I tend to share an opinion.

If you know someone … Read the rest

God is a Computer Tech

So, I had the opportunity to meet God the other day. Imagine my surprise when I found out that he was a computer tech, and has a profile on Facebook.


You can find him here:

See, he’s  a computer and Software repairer at Coputer and softwear repari. (God’s … Read the rest

An Ode To my Stalker

So, recently I’ve been plagued with a stalker on my FB profile. Those who follow and talk to me regularly already know who this douche nugget is. We have his to thank for such nuggets of information as this….

“”Actually, unless you worship the ancient gods of Rome, Greece or … Read the rest

Sept. 9, 2011. Fluffy Friday!

Yep, welcome to Fluffy Friday!

I’ll be going over a short list of things that I came across that I found to be fluffy though out the past week.

Today I woke up to find a message from Fern, with a happy little link to some extra special pagans. See … Read the rest