Update on Tumblr. and Blog Stealing Asshats

So, I want to take a moment to applaud The Grove a tumblr blog that picked up and reblogged the ‘Tumblr is it just for Plagiarism‘ blog and took the initiative to message ‘Son of Pan’ Or… ‘Pan’s Douchebag son‘( as I’d like to call him now) to ask or suggest that he credit the original source.

This is the response that The Grove author got.

“They are quotes going onto my blog, there not going onto a book, anyhow i am reciving them from a shadow so don’t know there origin feel free to give whoever it is that speaks these wise words credit.”

As far as I know, since recieving the link to the Original Authors blog, Douchebag Son has attributed, but I’m sad to see he still has such a nonchalant attitude about it.

Oh well, people watch your blogs, and your content. Make sure if it’s being picked up, that you know about it.

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