Daily Archives: June 30, 2011


Sometimes there’s really nothing left to do but sit, stare blindly at the computer screen, jaw hanging out, trying to make sense of the message that randomly appeared in your inbox…

Random Face Book User: please god mother help me someone is trying to kill me ,this guy came to … Read the rest

Drive By Insults

So, last night we were discussing the topic, ‘When is it ok (if ever) to interfere in the will/destiny of another person?’

There were some interesting responses to the thread, of course, someone had to wander in and pull the ‘Karma’ card.


Flufferina: ‘that is never ok, unless you … Read the rest

Fucktard Invasion

I’ve mentioned it before, but, when you’re running a website, you’re never sure what kind of complaint you’re going to hear next. Anything from Mable is picking on me, to I can’t figure out how to change my email, etc. Problems arise, and you try to deal with them to … Read the rest