Happy Not Tuesday, and Good Morning to everyone out there is bloggy land! It seems that our little site is getting a fair amount of traffic today. So, I’m either doing something right, or I sure am pissing off the right people! lol. So, I know that I promised a bloggy-mini series. Guess it’s time to get that train moving.
So, I guess it’s time for our second installment of ‘Lala Has, Leverage’, or ‘B’ for ‘Bunndetta!’
The screen shots that you are about to see, come from the page that Rain Dove was complaining about in her original message to me.
The post starts off as a question from a new-ish pagan who is looking for some guidance, etc.
Right off the bat, you can see that Rain Dove decides to do a little bit of shameless self promotion and see if she can get the ‘seeker’ over on her own turf.
When the ‘seeker’ decides that she needs to think about it, before joining the site, Rain Dove makes sure to tell her that she really NEEDS to find a mentor/teacher/ guide for her first year… (Because really, no one can figure out their path on their own right of the gate… yep.)
Now, this next screen shot, is of a Topic/Post that was made by ‘Barbara’ I made a little bit of a mistake when I was clipping it and blurring out her last name, but I do have a ‘Copy/Paste, so that you can see what was written.
Blurred area: “The practice of wicca and the craft should always be entered into with the mind set of , first and fore most honoring the Goddess and God of our faith. Finding out if this is your path in this life time.”
Now, I have to say, I actually really like what the OP had to say on the matter. True, she’s basically telling people to do what feels right, and sometimes that leads to ultimate fluffydom, but all in all, it was a nice message, that cautions people not to dabble in things they don’t understand or aren’t ready for, which I think was the intent of the message.
Rain Dove responds, and right off the bat, it’s a bit of the, ‘It’s only right if you do it MY WAY’ attitude.
I know, massive giggles.
But Wait… There’s Moar! I think by this point, it becomes pretty clear that Rain Dove is really trying to spam the hell out of this page, and she’s succeeding. The Page owner hasn’t snapped at her, or told her that spam, or go join my group links aren’t allowed. (Which in all honesty, if it was MY page, I would have warned her off of that practice fairly quickly…) She’s also attempting to bully and strong arm the seekers into joining as well. My wicca is better than the wicca being presented on this page.
So, let’s take a wander over to see what kind of group Rain Dove is running. (That hole keeps getting deeper and deeper anyway.)
Turns out, her group is set to closed, so you MUST be a member before you can really see anything other than the groups name, and the group description.
Excerpts from the group description:
Some materials are the ideas, thoughts, opinions and views of Rain Dove (Suzy Jordan Smith) and the Coven of Arianrhod’s Fire and do not necessarily apply to all Traditions of Wicca, the general Craft path or Paganism. You are free to agree or disagree.
Now see, that’s cool. We know it’s your materials, opinions and views, GREAT! But now, the part about being free to disagree, if you take a moment to read some of the comments that I got from the ‘Lala Has, Leverage.’ blog, you’ll see that a former member of the group says that this isn’t really a truthful statement.
This group is dedicated to Wicca the way that Rain Dove was taught and the Coven of Arianrhod’s Fire is seperate and autonomous from other Wiccan Traditions and groups. We are also dedicated in helping Novices and Seekers learn basic Witchcraft and Paganism. The only thing we ask .. is that everyone here .. understand and realize that THIS GROUP .. is focused on and based upon .. THE 7 CORE BELIEFS OF WICCA… which are pretty standard across the board in EVERY Wiccan Tradition and to be aware that the way you may be trained here in the U.S. is different than how you would be trained elsewhere in other countries.
The ‘Wicca, The Way that Rain Dove was Taught’… Idk, does anyone else find this part of the group description as fucking hilarious? I know that I do. Also, I think it’s time to say, I do have some very knowledgeable Wiccan friends. One flat out says that some of this is flat out fluffy crapola. But according to Rain Dove, “Every Wiccan Tradition follows a set core of beliefs” that are “Standard” I’m assuming she means, across the board. So, let’s look at those core beliefs.
The 7 Core Beliefs of Wicca are ;
This is the VERY FOUNDATION of Wicca and what we focus on in this group. This is not to say that if you don’t follow these 7 core beliefs that you are not welcome here, it is just to say this is what this group is based upon. You are welcome to share your DIFFERENCE in these beliefs if you choose , but don’t patronize, belittle or flame anyone else if they DO follow them.
Now, I sent a copy/paste of this information to some friends who know Wicca. One is a Lineaged Gard, the other is a Correlian. So I was able to get the BTW and the Neo Wiccan POV on the info. Here’s what they had to say.
- “Traditional Wicca does not even teach anything about the after life.”
- “nor do they impose any dogma in regards to ethics”
- “she made up duo polytheistic – seriously lame right there. It would be dualism, duotheism or bitheism, although if one wants to get technical trad Wicca is henotheistic and most neo-Wiccans are soft polytheists…”
- “Also lame is wasting “core beliefs” on negatives ie “we don’t believe”
- “ya we use a different term.. diune”
It’s ok, you’re all allowed to giggle. I know I’ve been doing my fair share of it since recieving that very first message. Moving right along.
Everyone must respect one another.
Loosely translated, that means everyone must respect one another, but she herself is exempt, and I’m sure, it also means you gain favor if you don’t question here at all. Feel free to refer to the previous blog to see what happened when I did that.
We have ZERO TOLERANCE for any belittling, flaming, attacking, judgement and intolerances of other’s beliefs, opinions, thoughts or ideas or for any OTHER reason.
Again, I think this is a statement that applies to EVERYONE but Rain Dove.
Learning in a Coven or in a group can be fun, it is much more personable and it is our purpose to create ONE MIND through the group.
While it is not mandatory, we do encourage *ALL* to participate in group discussions.
While Learning from books and from others s is great, wisdom and knowledge come only through time and experiencing and living life on this path, and … is the most valuable and most rewarding way to learn it.
So please , do not expect to become all knowledgable and wise in a day, a month or even a year from being here at the Coven of Arianrhod’s Fire. Or …from attending any other group for that matter !Any spiritual journey takes time. Be patient. Patience, perseverence, courage, strength, dedication and loyalty are what is required of you from the Gods/Goddess.
You will get out of it, exactly what you put in it.By using this site you agree to all of the Terms and Conditions therein.
Blessed Be, Rain Dove
That’s it for the group description, aside from a note about using the group via mobile, age requirements, and copy right stuff. Really, I’m not sure WHAT ELSE I can say for this blog, I think I’ve covered most of what I wanted to, for this installment. But, fear not! I think I have enough to blog one more, tomorrow.
For now, I’ll just say, Carp Out!
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