So, what happens when you mix lala, twitter and a 16 yr old theologian? You end up with a broken fluff, that’s what! No, seriously, yesterday was a new first for me. I broke a fluff on twitter, in three posts, and managed to get myself blocked.
Now, I’ve been blocked and banned from groups far and wide, usually it’s because I’ve done something worthy of being banned and blocked. Yeah, I can be a troll, I know this isn’t new information to the readers. I see fluff, I pounce and question. Sometimes this turns into a bloodbath, sometimes not. But now I can add Twitter to the list of places where I’ve offended someone enough to be blocked.
What’s funny though, is I think I was being nice. I certainly wasn’t being rabid because I took the posters age into consideration. I didn’t call him any names, only asked a few questions and challenged what the poster was saying.
Now, you’re going to have to bear with me. The way that things lined up in the screen on twitter are a lil funky, to say the least.
Rev makes a tweet highlighting Wikipedia and Religious Tolerance as sources for info on Wicca.
So, I responded. Ok, maybe I could have been a lil bit nicer? Maybe a tad? Yeah… those of you who know me, know that was me being nice.
Ok, I guess I’ll take the opportunity to point out the posters age and that he’s a minister.
So, we have some profile info, Rev’s Tweet and my question.
Here we have Rev’s response to my tweet. Now, I’m a little unclear if he’s saying that people in general should know about wicca, or that he’s saying that since his family is wiccan that they should know about wicca and be able to say with a certainty that Wiki is a good source.
Now, you see my next question/statement. Still being nice. If I was being mean, I’d have called him an asshat, but I didn’t do that.
Now, I don’t know if it bothers anyone else, but to me, it’s a little bit of a pet peeve for ppl to use titles that they either don’t understand, or that they haven’t earned.
So, Rev converted himself. Also, he’s feeling defensive now, he know’s the answers but he’s not going to tell them to any of us. It seems that Rev is already broken at this point. He refuses to answer anymore questions about Wicca because they’re stupid.
Now Rev is responding to someone else that the questions are impossible to answer over twitter. Ok, fair enough.
Now we see that Rev has locked down his profile. I’m going out on a limb here and thinking that I’m not the only person who responded to the boy. No one called him any names, people did ask questions and ask for clarification about a few things, but he didn’t want to answer.
To quote Betty, “Don’t put it out there on the internet if you don’t want to be questioned about it”
Guess that’s the end of show and tell this time around.
Parents, stop giving your children Llewellyn books…. PLEASE