Tag Archives: Buffy

You’re shittin’ me right?

I think I’ve said it before, even so, I’ll take the opportunity to say it again. Fluff say the darndest things. Occasionally you’ll wander across something so seriously out of whack that you just sit there, staring blankly at the screen, trying to figure out just what in the hell … Read the rest


Sometimes there’s really nothing left to do but sit, stare blindly at the computer screen, jaw hanging out, trying to make sense of the message that randomly appeared in your inbox…

Random Face Book User: please god mother help me someone is trying to kill me ,this guy came to … Read the rest

Mercenary Mage For Hire!

Movie voice over voice, In a world where rogue wizards, gnomes and dragons rule all, lowly villages turn to…. (dun dun dun….) The Mercenary Mage!!!!

This was found on Twitter.

RandomTwit: #amagi Occultists! Market anarchists! Lend me your ears! Seeking to escape wage slavery and BS and use my skill Read the rest

Fluff say the darndest things

I’m thinking this could end up being one really EPIC LIST, but for now, I’m starting off with one story of the insanity that comes out of the mouths of fluff.

We also have modern reclamation by witches, almost intuitively of Friday the 13th and black cats as positive symbols Read the rest