Candles and Happy Thoughts

I know it’s been a bit of a slow week for me this week, lots of people out there stealing other people’s work, and a lot of people not understanding how copy right and attribution and all that other good stuff works, but that’s not really my full time job.

I have to admit, I wasn’t very inspired by things that have happened this week to actually pull much of anything together for a blog, thank goodness that there are some blog prompts right. This weeks prompt from Pagan Blog Prompts is, Illness.

How do you deal with illness?

Typically, if I’m not feeling well, I’ll take a couple Ibuprofin, complain a bit, and or take some cough medicine. If it’s terrible enough of a plague, I’ll go to the doctor. See, I’m not a skilled hand when it comes to herbs, and herbal remedies, and I’d rather go the route of a doctor if I need meds.

Other people being ill? Depends on the degree of sick/ill. I mean, my spawn usually only come down with sniffles and coughs that I can easily give them a dose of cough medicine, maybe a couple cough drops and they’re fine. Anything that I can’t fix that way, we go to the doctor.

Severe illness? I try to be positive and optimistic about the outcome, I’m usually the rock in this type of situation, because you have to keep everyone going, to doctor appointments, etc.

Does being sick hinder your magic work?

I suppose it would if I did any kind of regular scheduled ‘magic work’. As I don’t, It really doesn’t affect me either way.
Do you employ magic to make yourself healthy again?

I’ve allowed friends to aid in healing before. Do I do some hocus pocus and fix myself? Not really. I follow doctors orders, (for the most part) and get some rest.
What about others? Do you work magic to heal other people?

Magic is kinda subjective on this isn’t it? Will I do a healing ritual? Sure. Do I do with without explicit permission? Absolutely not.

Now, here’s the thing with the last question/query. Most people in the ‘Pagan’ flavored community, when they think of healing, they say, Oh, I’m sending healing energy your way.  What does this mean? Boiled down to the honest truth, 90% of them are lighting a candle, and thinking happy thoughts. I’m sure there are a few that sprinkle glitter everywhere, and call forth unicorns and rainbows of fucking happiness as well.  I’m really not down with that.

I think that if the situation is severe enough for you to go to the wider community in general, then you’re also in need of a whole lot more than a lit candle and some happy fucking thoughts as well, of course, that’s just me.

I think I’ve ranted enough about this one, I know, it was a bit of a Q & A with a rant attached, such is life over here on PUTA.


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