Category Archives: Lala Approved

I’m In Lust

I know, usually I’m so fluff intolerant, it hurts. Some might even think that I can’t sit back and giggle about something when it’s funny.

But, I’ve run across an awesome blog, that I’m hoping is Satirical, but, even if it’s not, makes me giggle so hard, that I can’t … Read the rest

Not just a computer tech after all

So, some of you might remember that I blogged about God being a computer tech. Well it turns out, not only is he busily fixing people’s computers and being a technically inclined, he’s also an alien.… Read the rest

Fun and Randomossity

So, this past week, there was quite a fun topic bouncing around. #ShitPagansSay

So, I thought I’d make a list of some of my favorites.

“And now we will call on Kali as the gentle, nurturing Goddess of the Dawn.” #ShitPagansSay… Read the rest

Update on Tumblr. and Blog Stealing Asshats

So, I want to take a moment to applaud The Grove a tumblr blog that picked up and reblogged the ‘Tumblr is it just for Plagiarism‘ blog and took the initiative to message ‘Son of Pan’ Or… ‘Pan’s Douchebag son‘( as I’d like to call him … Read the rest

Never before Seen, Post from the Archives

A never before published blog found in the ‘drafts archive’.

Ya see, I’ll get an idea for a blog, start putting it together, life ends up happening, and well… I end up hitting the ‘save draft’ button and then sometimes forget to ever really come back to what I was … Read the rest

The Snark is Strong With this One

I’d like to take a moment to make sure that everyone is aware that there is a new category of blogroll dedicated to blogs that are not associated with Practical Pagans.

Before now, there was no need for other links or categories. Then… She Found Us!


I’m referring … Read the rest

Trolling the chat rooms

A few months ago we were thinking about installing a chat room on the site. We’ve used chat-n-go for years, but it was causing people’s browsers to crash, so it had to be taken off the site. Blackbird, one of our site members was helping me check out a few … Read the rest