Jasmine pointed this article out to me and suggested that I call it ‘the im so far out of reality that I should be hospitalized fluff”
Eilish De’Avalon … Read the rest
Jasmine pointed this article out to me and suggested that I call it ‘the im so far out of reality that I should be hospitalized fluff”
Eilish De’Avalon … Read the rest
A few months ago we were thinking about installing a chat room on the site. We’ve used chat-n-go for years, but it was causing people’s browsers to crash, so it had to be taken off the site. Blackbird, one of our site members was helping me check out a few … Read the rest
When the decision to write this blog was made, a group of friends were asked if they had any suggestions for it’s possible name.
The list is far too hilarious, in my opinion, to keep secret, so I’ve decided to share it with all of you.
I know that it’s hard to believe, but occasionally a topic can be going along so well, no arguments, no trolls, no flying insults, that someone inevitably snaps, I think because they aren’t really even sure of what’s going on.
Unprovoked attacks do happen, when they do, they leave the … Read the rest