Monthly Archives: June 2011


Sometimes there’s really nothing left to do but sit, stare blindly at the computer screen, jaw hanging out, trying to make sense of the message that randomly appeared in your inbox…

Random Face Book User: please god mother help me someone is trying to kill me ,this guy came to … Read the rest

Drive By Insults

So, last night we were discussing the topic, ‘When is it ok (if ever) to interfere in the will/destiny of another person?’

There were some interesting responses to the thread, of course, someone had to wander in and pull the ‘Karma’ card.


Flufferina: ‘that is never ok, unless you … Read the rest

Fucktard Invasion

I’ve mentioned it before, but, when you’re running a website, you’re never sure what kind of complaint you’re going to hear next. Anything from Mable is picking on me, to I can’t figure out how to change my email, etc. Problems arise, and you try to deal with them to … Read the rest

Instant Messages I should have hidden from.

You know, I’m all for the meeting new people or promoting the site on FB. There are so many who practice friend collecting, why not do it for the Community. What I don’t understand is the people who don’t really know you, clearly they are collecting as many pagans as … Read the rest

Mercenary Mage For Hire!

Movie voice over voice, In a world where rogue wizards, gnomes and dragons rule all, lowly villages turn to…. (dun dun dun….) The Mercenary Mage!!!!

This was found on Twitter.

RandomTwit: #amagi Occultists! Market anarchists! Lend me your ears! Seeking to escape wage slavery and BS and use my skill Read the rest

NSFW, Epicly Gross Douchery

For the love of all that is holey, wait, holey isn’t really always a good thing, as I’m sure you already know. If not, chances are, you’re about to find out.

This was found on FB today, something that some douchebag felt the need to share with his friends, as … Read the rest

More of the Assclown

Well, at the end of the last blog, I promised that there would be more from the Assclown, a.k.a. the “Would Be Playgan Author.” You see, she ended up demanding to know where the ‘Admin/Moderator’ of the page was, so I sent her a message to see if I could … Read the rest

Jasmine and the Assclown

Here’s the gist of the story really quick, we were engaged in a discussion over on the FB page. I’m not really sure what the topic was, but, there was fluff flying around, limbs and fur everywhere.

General consensus of those who wandered into the thread during the heat of … Read the rest

Blogs, Discussions, and more pagans who don’t get satire.

So, a blog that I found rather hysterical and funny, called A Pseudo-Scientific Classification of the Fluffy Bunny seems to have been picked up and discussed over on PaganSpace, here. Now, it’s my opinion that we have yet another case of people, or fluff, who don’t quite understand satire.… Read the rest

Pikachu, I choose you!

So, last night we decided to discuss’Totem Animals.’ Yeah, I realize it’s a topic that can get really flufftastic in less than 5 minutes. Here’s the funniest response to the thread.

Fluffalupagus: I have over 50+ totempower animals at 5-6 level of spiritual significance. I have 10 totem animals I … Read the rest