Category Archives: Pissy Pagans

Sept. 9, 2011. Fluffy Friday!

Yep, welcome to Fluffy Friday!

I’ll be going over a short list of things that I came across that I found to be fluffy though out the past week.

Today I woke up to find a message from Fern, with a happy little link to some extra special pagans. See … Read the rest

You mean I was supposed to?

When did it become the norm to respond to discussions without reading the discussion first? I must be crazy because I thought that was the whole point of having the discussion in the first place. Apparently I’m wrong and woefully misguided when it comes to discussion etiquette.

You see, now … Read the rest

Carp Causes… More Carp

I’m not a fan of the ‘Causes’ on FB. I’m not sure if these ’causes’ do much of anything, I don’t see any verifiable results and I think it’s just a way for the Lazy to take a pro-active stance on something, without actually having to put forth any effort … Read the rest

My Karma got my Dogma run over

Oh, the Carp about Karma that pops up on a daily basis is enough to make you want to vomit. Some of it is so preposterous and off the wall that you sit and stare at the screen blankly, trying to wrap you head around the sheer stupidity of the … Read the rest

Four Legs are Better Than Two

‘The Mutual Adoration Society’ is a made up name for a group that I will occasionally wander through. Now I have to make up a name for this place because if I told you all where it was that I was wandering, you might decide to go take a look, … Read the rest

The Evils of Nekkidness

I get added to a great deal of pagan groups over on FB. Sometimes they look at least a little bit interesting, so I’ll look through the group to see if there is anything of interest taking place in them. I found this in one of those groups. One of … Read the rest

Spam: It makes me giggle.



So, today is all about Spam. Sometimes it can just make you giggle, like this spam that I got as a comment on one of the previous blog entries.

‘Stop-Balness’: Oh my goodness! an incredible article dude. Thanks Nevertheless I am experiencing concern with ur rss .… Read the rest

California, where freedom abounds!

Now, honestly I think that the title is interesting enough to post as is, without a blog. Seriously, we should just print it on a t-shirt and go one about our business. Alas, that would be considered lazy, besides, then you’d never know just where the quote actually came from. … Read the rest

Drive By Insults

So, last night we were discussing the topic, ‘When is it ok (if ever) to interfere in the will/destiny of another person?’

There were some interesting responses to the thread, of course, someone had to wander in and pull the ‘Karma’ card.


Flufferina: ‘that is never ok, unless you … Read the rest

Fucktard Invasion

I’ve mentioned it before, but, when you’re running a website, you’re never sure what kind of complaint you’re going to hear next. Anything from Mable is picking on me, to I can’t figure out how to change my email, etc. Problems arise, and you try to deal with them to … Read the rest